It seems that there is an endless “to do” list when a death is near, and countless considerations to make--it’s hard to know where to start. Very few people are experienced funeral planners. We count this as a good thing…but it also makes us aware most families we serve are going through this process for the first time. Our hope is to clarify these choices and help you navigate these coming days.
Deciding what kind of remembrance suits your situation is one of the early steps. While you don’t need to know exact details, having a general idea will guide your path. You will find our “Service Options” Page and “Planning for the future” are helpful places to gather more information on your options. And, as always, we would be happy to help you understand your options over the phone or by appointment in person.
THE PLANNING CENTER is a place you can collect pertinent information that we can access. You can upload photos and documents, let us know special ideas, and eSign documents we might send you. For an invitation to begin using The Planning Center, fill out this contact card. Alternatively, you may prefer to fill out this form and bring it with you to the Remembrance Planning Conference.
REMEMBRANCE PLANNING CONFERENCE is a scheduled time in which we will meet to discuss your family’s wishes, as well as collect important statistical information and necessary authorizations.
The follow items and information are helpful at the planning conference:
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