The wonderful thing about technology is that it can bring people together from all over the globe to make it easier for you to find information and support networks in your time of need. The following are some of the tools available to assist you in your healing journey. If you’re still having trouble locating helpful information or finding what you need, contact us to discuss other resources and find a personalized solution to support you on the road to recovery.
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.
M.E.N.D. (Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death) is a Christian, non-profit organization that reaches out to families who have suffered the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death. We publish free bi-monthly , hold two commemorative ceremonies each year and host a variety of support groups in the Dallas | Fort Worth area. We also have in Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma and Northwest Washington; including four additional Texas chapters in Bryan | College Station, Houston, Texarkana, and Wichita Falls.
Whether your family has had a child die (at any age, from any cause), or you are trying to help those who have gone through this life-altering experience, The Compassionate Friends exists to provide friendship, understanding, and hope to those going through the natural grieving process. Through a network of more than 625 chapters with locations in all fifty states, as well as Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, The Compassionate Friends has been supporting bereaved families after the death of a child for four decades.
Bereaved Parents of the USA (BP/USA) is a national non-profit self-help group that offers support, understanding, compassion and hope especially to the be they bereaved parents grandparents or siblings struggling to rebuild their lives after the death of their children, grandchildren or siblings. BP/USA is open to all parents, grandparents and siblings regardless of the age or the circumstances of the death of their children, grandchildren or siblings.
Cancer can feel overwhelming, for patients and their families. It can be confusing and frightening. Fortunately, when it comes to living with cancer, you have Wellness House. With support groups, exercise and nutrition classes, social events, and much, much more, Wellness House is designed to give you back the strength, community, and control that cancer can take away. Since you can’t put a price on these things, we don’t either-there’s absolutely no charge for all of the programs and services that we offer.
Stenzel Clinical Services, Ltd. started December 1, 2003 with a mission to “Help people live their lives well.” Though we have, each with different styles, we all possess the same single passion: to walk with our clients on the path of healing. We never use shame as a motivator. Instead we seek to provide a balance between giving you time and space to heal and challenging and encouraging you to move forward to a healthier place.
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